Picture story of combat aircraft and helicopters flying over Moscow

11:1705 May, 2016 5177
Photo: Warmy

The first air-stage rehearsal of the Victory Day Parade has been held in Moscow with 71 aircraft and helicopters of the Russian Aerospace Forces participating.

The number 71 symbolizes the amount of years, which have passed since the Victory Day of the Great Patriotic War.

Photo: Warmy

The following air vessels participated in the rehearsal: the Su-24M, Su-25, Su-27, Su-34, MiG-29SMT, MiG-31BM, An-124-100, Il-78, Il-76MD, Tu-22M3, Tu-95MS, Tu-160M, Su-35S aircraft as well as the Mi-8AMTSH, Mi-26, Mi-28N, Mi-35, Ka-52 helicopters.

Photo: Warmy

Some of the aircraft and helicopters will debut over Red Square this year. The first aviation group will appear above the Moscow center at 10.48. The air-stage duration will be 10 minutes.

Photo: Warmy

The air vessels will start from the Kubinka airfield near Moscow as well as from 10 airfields in other Russian regions.

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