“Armata” in the details

14:0221 May, 2015 5040

The “Armata” platform based vehicles created a furor at the Victory Day parade. A lot of photos of the T-14 and T-15 appeared in the net but there was still lack of detailed pictures. The “Defending Russia” editorial office is glad to perform the unique picture of the tank, the infantry fighting vehicle and the components of the construction.

Side-view against the newly built houses. Foreign spies are sure to drive their cameras «to death» by their windows. Just take note of the remotely controlled machine-gun mount closer to the rear of the turret. The present version is equipped with the 7, 62 PKT machine-gun. The heavy machine gun can be installed if needed.

Regarding the tank exhaust position, it is evident, that the engine is placed transversely. Back to the turret again: the lack of the hatch door and the periscopes proves that the turret is remote.

Frontal view. The tanks are fitted with the asphalt type tracks and ready for the parade.

In this angle, the vehicle has quite a classical view. However, the two hatches in the front point at the new manner of the crew seating. Note the depth of the side skirts.

The 2A82 is the main «Armata» weapon. The 125-mm gun is significantly enhanced as compared to the serial 2A46M. The same weapon is installed on the upgraded T-90AM.

Back view again. The functionality of the turret rear bin remains a puzzle. Some suppose that there is a part of the tank ammunition, others think that all of the remote turret interior is taken by the artillery system mechanisms.

The protective screens of the engine compartment and the diesel engine exhaust. The full-scale screens installation in that part of the tank may prevent the exhausting system from proper work.

An innovation — the multi-mode light-emitting diode headlight.

The driver’s hatchway. The combined armor defends from the upper hit.

The cylinders below the turret are the striking elements containers of the «Afganit» active protection system (APS). On the top you can see a black rectangle, which is the antenna radar cover. On the right and below are the observation cameras lenses. Above the turret there is a wind sensor, which is a fire-control system element.

The engine-protection compartment and the exhaust in close-up.

The striking elements containers on the other side of the turret. Both radar curtains can be seen on the right side. The antennas are installed symmetrically to provide the all-round view. Pay attention to the set with three rows of round covers. That seems to be the launch containers of the «Afganit» camouflage elements designed for jamming the guided munition seekers delivering upper and sided strikes. The same container is installed on the upper side of the turret providing the full-scale tank coverage.

The heavy T-15 IFV. You can see both striking and camouflage «Afganit» systems containers as well as dynamic protection containers of the vehicle front. Unlike the tank, the IFV has a front-engine layout. They had to hide the exhaustion under the dynamic protection installing it angle-wise.

Say cheese!

Armament and detection are in full strength: the combat module with the 30-mm gun and guided missiles, both «Afganit» systems, electro-optical sets of the combat modules, periscopes of the operator’s hatch.

The IFV rear: the extended side-skirts and running gear provide the personnel extra protection at landing/mounting. You can see strong towing hinges. The containers on the rear also refer to the «Afganit» system.

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