‘Rezkiy’ corvette equipped with ‘Kalibrs’ to be keel-laid at the Amur shipbuilding plant

14:2513 Apr, 2016 2336
Photo: Amur ship building plant

Interfax MNA reports as citing the source in the military-industrial complex that the corvette will be keel-laid on April 1, 2016 at the Amur ship building plant.

Battle ship of the Project 20380 was developed by ‘Almaz’ design bureau.

The corvette is designed for actions in close maritime-zones, for fighting surface and underwater ships as well as for artillery support of seaborne assaults.

There are four ships of the project in the Russian Navy: ‘Stereguschiy’, ‘Soobrazitelniy’, ‘Boykiy’ and ‘Stoykiy’, all of them with the Baltic fleet. Another seven corvettes are currently under construction.

‘Uran-U’ antiship missile system makes up the bulk of the project’s armament. The system consists of two 4-container launching systems comprising eight X-35 antiship missiles. The missile range is 260 kilometers.

Another two corvettes of the Project 20385 equipped with multipurpose missile system capable of firing ‘Kalibr’ and ‘Oniks’ cruise missiles, are under construction.

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